I'm often asked what I would advise people that would be the first thing they should do if they wanted to build wealth.
Martin Thomas (c)2005
What is missing when we experience this lack of traction is education. When we apply ourselves to entrepreneurial ventures without finding out enough about it we tend to lose traction as we busily go about doing nothing. The quickest way to get someone enthusiastic about something is to teach them more about it. What often happens is we become enthusiastic and start spinning those wheels before we know where we are going so the traction leaves as doubt creeps in. Turn down the revs and stop that spinning wheel. Where the rubber meets the road gives us our forward momentum. Often the platitudes of saving and hard work are thrown around, however, lets work out where we are going before we put our head down and start spinning our wheelshermal transfer ribbon vehicle of choice for you however the result is always to make a profit. Understanding on an intrinsic level what you are about and what an entrepreneur does Self-adhesive tape will give you capacity.com/product/woven-edge/168.
Traction is something we all need no matter what level of development our business is at. The interest in any other aspect of your business must not overshadow this one directive. Every time you or anyone else increases your capacity you develop vision and are therefore able to act with clarity and purpose.
Education is the single cause of enthusiasm. So its the first place to get a good grounding.
An entrepreneurs first and most ardent goal is to invest and make a profit. The investment object is simply the investment. Whether your interest is real estate or businesses or even precious stones, it makes little difference. Have you ever had the feeling of revving your engines but not going anywhere? That is called a lack of traction and it happens to entrepreneurs at all levels of the spectrum from the most experienced to the least. We don't do anything that doesn't contribute to the bottom line. To get that spinning wheel grabbing the road you need to step back from action